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Tuesday, February 27, 2024


Just one verse and it contains no theology - or does it?

Matthew 13:1    [All quotes are from The Voice Bible, unless otherwise noted]

"That same day Jesus left the house and went to sit by the sea."        

One gets the feeling when reading through the gospels that the disciples had to get up every morning and go on a hunt to find Jesus.  He seemed to be always off somewhere praying - enjoying His private time with God and just being alone

I've been a retreater throughout the years!  They fell into two categories.


About twice a year, I would go away by myself for three to five days [sometimes longer].  Over the years, I've had a number of places that I favored:

  • The Jumonville Training Center where I would sit under the massive cross with its view of three states and seven counties!  

  • The Castle or Sibley Mansion near Franklin, PA.  This secluded spot offered mountain walks, minimal intrusion, and quiet!  

  • Mt. Zion Retreat Center in Roaring Branch, PA.  Isolation, quiet, no cell service and a breath-taking view made this a favorite.  [Plus, it was near my brother's home and we always had breakfast together at least once while I was there!]

You must know that I have stories from each of these experiences.  Many of them were noteworthy and beg for more details - like the time that I addressed my guardian angel and thanked him for his protection throughout the years!  My skin pricks when I even think about that experience.

Periodically, I needed solitude!  I needed the time and space to reconnect with God!  I was fortunate to lead churches that tried to understand this need and allow me the privilege of escape!  In the end, I'm confident that they benefitted from my retreats.  

Let me tell you a bit about my retreats.  

At first, you sleep - a lot!  Exhaustion catches up to you!  It takes a toll!  Being 'on call' has a cost!  

I always journaled - especially during retreats!  I wanted to document what I was hearing and learning!

I prayed A LOT!  Often while walking, I would talk out loud to God!

My schedule changed!  When I would get around to working [which usually involved sermon planning], I would frequently work long into the night.  I would simply work when I wanted to and sleep when I needed to!  

My retreats often involved fasting.  Eating was a distraction - so sometimes, I simply eliminated the distraction.

I would write letters - a practice that is quickly falling away.  As people would come to my mind, I would write notes of prayer or 'thinking of you', or simply friendship.

There were a few retreats where I wrestled with my enemy and entered into spiritual warfare!  

I was always better because of these times of withdrawal!


I have been a backpacker and hiker for many years!  I've spent hundreds of nights alone in the woods in my tent.  I could bore you with the many stories of my adventures.  I have almost as many backpacking stories as I have of hitch-hiking stories from the late, 1960's.  :-)

Most of my backpacking trips took me away for at least a week!  

Other times, I would just escape for a day or even half-a-day for some time in the woods.  Often this would occur on Mondays - which was my designated day off each week.  These times were refreshing and renewing as I walked and talked out loud with my Lord!  

When we were living in Akron, OH, and our kids had matured, Debbie announced that she was going to start going with me on Monday mornings [Monday was also our day off from our work with Shelter Care].  I panicked!   I told her how important this time was for me and that I needed the time to be alone.  She understood.  I promised to come home and get her and we would go back to hike together and then hit Pizza Hut for lunch!  She was delighted!  We followed that pattern for the rest of our time in Akron!  


Jesus was simply setting an example!  It was subtle - but persistent!  

A DISCIPLE:  "Where is He?"

ANOTHER DISCIPLE:  "I don't know.  We'll just have to go and look for Him!"

And that's the way it was.  They would find Him on a mountaintop or by the seashore or tending a small fire in the woods or sitting with His back against a tree.  

Did they get His message?  Do you?  

"Draw near to God and He will draw near to you."  -  James 4:8

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