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Friday, August 26, 2022


 The last section of Luke 7 shattered me this morning! 

A Pharisee asked Jesus to his house for dinner.  [Was this a genuinely inquiring Pharisee, or was this just another trap?] 

I don’t fully understand what happened next except to realize that it was a different culture with different settings and practices.  Maybe the meal was in an open courtyard?  Whatever the case, it doesn’t seem to be presented as unusual for this Middle East culture at that time.

A prostitute enters the scene where Jesus and the Pharisee are eating.  She stands over Jesus weeping – her tears wetting His feet.  She kneels and dries His feet with her long hair, then anoints His feet with an expensive perfume (a necessity for her trade). 

The Pharisee thought to himself that if Jesus was a true prophet, He would realize what kind of woman this was.

Immediately, Jesus (knowing what the man had been thinking) told him a story of two men that couldn’t pay their debts;  one, a large debt, the other a small one.  The banker forgave them both and vanquished their debts.  Then, Jesus asked the Pharisee which would be more grateful.  He answered correctly:  the one who was forgiven the most.  [v.43]

Then Jesus observed that the Pharisee had not washed Jesus’ feet upon His arrival (a common tradition in that culture).  He had also not greeted Jesus properly nor had he provided Jesus anything for freshening up.  Yet this woman had washed Jesus’ feet with her tears and kept kissing his feet (a sign of humility) and had anointed his feet with perfume!  Then, Jesus added:  Impressive, isn’t it?  She was forgiven many, many sins, and so she is very, very grateful.  If the forgiveness is minimal, the gratitude is minimal[vs.44,47]

Then [Jesus] spoke to her:  “I forgive your sins.”  [v.48]

(Now we discover that there were other guests at the table) These dinner guests began murmuring:  Who does He think He is, forgiving sins?  [v.49]

Jesus [being aware of it all] ignored them and said to the woman, Your faith has saved you.  Go in peace.  [v.50]


Jesus’ focus here was so intense!  The prostitute had His full attention!  He saw her heart!  It was vulnerable.  She had suffered abuse – unspeakable abuse!  He saw her pain!  He saw her sorrow!  He felt her remorse.  He was full of compassion!  Thus, His act of forgiveness! 

Don’t get distracted by the guests or the Pharisee here!  Imagine what she felt!  SHE WAS FORGIVEN!  It was as though she had never sinned!  Her slate was washed clean!  Her guilt was REMOVED!  She was given a fresh start! 

Have you ever felt as light as a feather?  As giddy as a teenager?  As joyful as someone who just won the lottery?  As relieved as someone who just completed a major task?  I think she felt all of this!  I’m surprised she didn’t wrap her arms around Him and kiss Him!  Ha ha ha, wouldn’t THAT have stirred up the guests?  HE – FORGAVE – HER – OF – HER – MANY – MANY – SINS!  Her previous life was now in the rearview mirror!  Better yet, it was buried in the deepest part of the sea!  FORGIVEN AND FORGOTTEN!

And, dear Facebook friend, that’s the way it is for all of us who have come before Him in a similar fashion!  Don’t go through this day without celebrating your forgiveness! 

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