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Wednesday, August 3, 2022


Matthew 5 starts out with the remarkable story of Jesus teaching from Peter’s boat.  We know that they already knew one another because in the previous chapter Jesus goes to Peter’s house for dinner and heals his mother-in-law.  We have no way of knowing from scripture just how long they had been acquainted, but we would be safe to assume that the relationship had some length to it.  Maybe Jesus had worked on Peter’s boat for him?  We can make the same assumptions about Andrew, James and John. 

You know the story.  After the teaching session – which took place a short distance from the shoreline – Jesus turned to Peter and told him to drop his nets again.  Now, Peter had just cleaned the nets after a fishless night on the lake.  He responds:  “Master, we worked hard all night and caught nothing, but at Your bidding I will let down the nets.”  [v.5 NASB]   Wise decision, Peter! 

Upon letting the nets down, they immediately filled with fish to the point of breaking their nets!  We’ve seen this portrayed in movies – it was a joyous and amazing moment!  Peter quickly calls for help from James and John and both boats end up filled with fish!  The financial benefit of this is never mentioned in the scripture, but it had to be significant! 

But the story is not over yet.  Peter fell to his knees in front of Jesus and said:  “Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord!”  [v.8 NASB]

Have you ever been there?

I know you have. 

Experiencing the presence of God is an essential part of our worship.  I led a nearby church for nine years that grew substantially – enough so that we went to two services!  When we polled the people, they reported that they regularly experienced the presence of God in our worship!  It was SO EXCITING for our leaders to discover this!  It was our goal and the people confirmed that we were reaching our goal!  All our planning, prayer and preparation was worthwhile!  PTL!  Woo Hoo!

When you experience the presence of God, it is mystical and overwhelming!  It just happened Sunday while I was teaching a small Sunday School class and was so filled with awe for God that I could barely speak the words of my testimony!  Everyone sensed it!  We KNEW God was present!  We all left with a greater determination to follow Him more faithfully!  That’s what happens when we experience His presence! 

In my mind’s eye, Jesus reached out and offered Peter His hand.  “Get up, Peter!  You’re still going to be a fisherman!  Your catch is just going to men and women now!”  Then, He probably pulled Peter into His chest and wrapped His arms around him in a bear hug of joy!  After that, Andrew, James and John all probably came and hugged him too!  It’s a ‘man thing’!



Experiencing Your presence is something we live for!  Someday, we’ll live in Your presence for all eternity, and we can only imagine the joy and fulfillment of that experience!  We rejoice that some of our loved ones are already there! 

But, for now, we simply yearn for moments when the divine touches our lives, minds and hearts.  It does occasionally occur when we’re alone with You and our Bible is open before us with tear-stains on it’s pages.  But, more-often-than-not, it occurs when we’re with others of kindred faith in a worship setting – small or large. 

You visit!  We sense it!  And we never want it to end! 

It purges us, renews us, determines us, and strengthens us. 

It doesn’t happen near as much as we’d like it to, but we live for the next time! 

The last words in our Bibles:  “He who testifies to these things says, ‘Yes, I am coming quickly.’  Amen.  Come, Lord Jesus.

The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all.  Amen.”  [Revelation 22:20-21 NASB]

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