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Saturday, February 12, 2022


In the summer, I think that I'll do some major sorting during the winter.  Then, winter passes and I think I'll set up a table in the garage and go through all my old files.  

I guess turning 70 has motivated me.  I just brought a box in from the garage and started going through it.  Now, if I sit down to write about everything I come across, this could take more years than I have left!  But, that's just what I'm doing.  ;-)

I came across a message I gave to a church that I formerly led upon the celebration of 100 years in ministry.  

I was surprised at the way I chose to handle that responsibility.  Rather than reflect on my years there and the fruitful ministry that we enjoyed, I used the opportunity to challenge the congregation regarding it's next 100 years!  

After reviewing where we'd gone and what we'd been doing since leaving this church, I spoke of the transitions Debbie and I had personally gone through.  Having recently de-nested, I said, "We're finding that life has joys, surprises and challenges that we never really thought much about until we got to this point in our lives."

"Having spoken some about the seasons of our marriage, I could also speak about the seasons of my ministry.  I realize now that there were qualities that I simply couldn't have at an earlier time in my life;  they needed to be cultivated by experience and time!"

I went on to speak of the fact that when I led this church, I knew nothing about computers.  I also longed to be a capable counselor;  however, that couldn't emerge until I went to school for a second master's degree and added some years to my life.  

At the time Debbie and I were operating a 'shelter home' for behaviourally challenged children.  We were also deeply involved in a growing church that was actively pursuing many frontline ministries.  

I said, "To be honest, we don't have much time to reflect on the past, because we're too excited about living in the present and planning for the future!  We could say with the Apostle Paul, '...forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, (we) press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.'  That would be my greatest interest in returning to be with you today.  I have minimal interest in reflecting on the good times of our shared past.  My greatest interest is in knowing what you are up to today and how you are planning to cooperate with God in the future to make an impact on His world!  

  • How are you doing ministry today?
  • How are you trying to impact the lives of lost people?
  • How are you coming alongside of new believers to train them in the Christian way?
  • How are you communicating the gospel to a culture that is clearly post-Christian?
  • How are you maintaining relevance in a world that has gone beyond ambivalence and is now openly hostile to the Christian faith?
  • How is God helping you to get this work done?
I heard a quote on Christian radio this week:  'Although we are not to be judges of one another, we are to be fruit-inspectors.'  
  • Where do you see God working in your area?
  • How are you planning to join Him in His work?
  • Where are you investing His resources with the hope of gaining a return on your investment?
  • How is He blessing you?
  • Who are the newest believers among you?"
I told of Debbie and me crossing paths with friends from a previous period of our ministry:  "We were nearly overwhelmed by the weariness we sensed from them.  We could tell that they had lost the excitement of working in the harvest.  They seemed to have surrendered to a world that had passed them by.  Their joy was drained and their vision gone!  

The apostle Peter quoted Joel in his Pentecost message:
'In the Last Days,' God says,
'I will pour out my Spirit on every kind of people.
Your sons will prophesy, also your daughters;  
Your young men will see visions,
your old men dream dreams.
When the time comes, I'll pour out my Spirit
on those who serve me, men and women both,
and they'll prophesy...
And whoever calls out for help to me, God, will be saved.'

You can take all kinds of messages from this passage.  What I take is that the work of God is never finished.  In every generation, God is calling and equipping people to join Him in His work.  There is a place for all of us:  old and young, men and women.  God is never distracted from His work of drawing all people to Himself!  He is always inviting us to join Him in His work.  We have the privilege of partnering with God in His mission of seeking, saving and equipping the lost people in His world.  It is an exciting prospect and a great adventure!

Our task as individuals is to stay in close relationship with the Father so that we can discern His activity and call - then respond obediently by joining Him in His work!  Our task as a church is similar:  We, also, have to stay in unity and in close relationship with God so that we can discern where He is working and how we can join Him!"

I recently received a 'Thank You' note from those who are responsible for several missionaries that we support.  It included the following:  "Last year (2021) over 500 new churches and groups were started across Asia.  Over 8,500 people found faith in Jesus that we know of through our ministries."

After giving thanks for this fruitful report, I groaned inwardly because we don't hear of this kind of growth here in the United States.  Now, granted, I don't travel as widely as I once did.  I am not as 'connected' as I once was.  Still, I have to say that other than growing through 'transfer growth', I only know of one church that is actually impacting its community and seeing lost people come to Christ!  

Where is the light on a lampstand?  Where is the salt that flavors and improves its world?  A quick glance in our day and in our culture would seem to indicate that the church (us) has taken refuge within its four walls!  God help us!  

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