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Monday, August 3, 2020


I had the responsibility and privilege of leading churches for nearly forty-three years.  I eventually came to realize that the most important thing was to work hard to try to create an environment where people could regularly experience the presence of God! 

We all need to know that God is real and that God is concerned about our lives. 

No one can manufacture that!  It's up to God's Holy Spirit to intervene. 

He often shows up as a result of singing!  I've noticed over the years that certain songs seem to lend themselves more than others to the showing up of God's Holy Spirit.  I've lost count of how many times the Spirit fell on a congregation while singing "It Is Well With My Soul" or "Shout to the Lord".  There's something about certain songs that seem to open us to the reality of God's love for us and His engagement in our lives.

Liturgy can also bring God into focus!  I come from a free style of worship, but am currently worshipping in a more liturgical church.  For two years, I attended worship regularly on the campus of a charismatic, Catholic university!  One day, at the noon mass, when the priest lifted the elements of the eucharist, the entire, packed congregation hit their feet and began praying out loud, singing in the Spirit or praying in tongues!  It had never happened before!  I never saw it happen again.  That day, for some reason unknown, the Spirit of God fell on that entire congregation of several hundred students and faculty as they stood to praise Him for several unbroken, holy moments!  I was blessed out!

The public reading of God's Word can call forth the presence of God!  It doesn't happen all the time and we rarely know when it's going to happen.  But there have been times when I could barely read the scripture lesson.  My voice would break and tears flooded my eyes.  The impact on the people was very similar!  My sister-in-law, Laurie, recently reflected on a Sunday at New Middletown when her daughter-in-law, Abby, read the scripture lesson.  The power of God radiated through Abby as she read and we were ALL inspired and blessed!

Prayer is another time when God can make His presence known!  Sometimes prayer in worship can be boring [forgive me!].  When Troy was little, he leaned over to his Mom while I was praying one Sunday and said, "Mom, how does Dad think of so many things to pray about?"  😂  But, prayer can also be a time when God's Spirit breaks in and blesses His people.  During our years at Cornerstone Church the prayer time on Sundays was magnificent!  When Pastor Brenda opened the altar for prayer people responded in droves.  Then more people came to pray with their friends and family!   By the time the prayer-song ended, people would be kneeling in hoards around the altar with weeping, praying out loud, and tears.  Newcomers were captivated by this sight!  And we all experienced God's presence! 

The preaching of the Word can also introduce moments of God's presence!  Like prayer, sometimes preaching can be dry and boring.  But there are moments when God chooses to breathe life into a message and His Spirit falls! 

While at New Middletown, our leaders decided to participate in a national survey.  It was awkward to ask people to take five minutes in worship to fill out this form.  But when it came back, I had a really great moment when I read that the people from our congregation reported "experiencing the presence of God" regularly in our worship!  Woo Hoo!  I could have danced at that report!  It was an affirmation that we had attained our goal! 

Yesterday, at Bethel Church, I experienced the presence of God as people reported on the love they have enjoyed as a result of being a part of Bethel Church over the years!  One fellow, Mike, went on-and-on about the love his family has known since becoming part of the congregation!  I had to pull my hanky out and wipe my eyes as the tears flowed.  Mind you, it wasn't Mike or the others who shared;  they were just reporters.  God was simply giving His Church a big 'atta-boy!'  I love it when that happens!

I don't know about you, but I live for those moments!  In biblical days they built altars to help them remember those places and times.  I build those altars in my memory and in my blog articles  😉.


More than ever, we need these sacred times of sensing Your Holy presence!  During a time when some of our churches can't even meet together, send Your Spirit to anoint and bless us so that we share a common vision and hope!  

Help us to live faithfully in accord with Your will, plan and desires for us so that we can increase the probability of experiencing Your presence!  

For the Kingdom's sake, Amen.  

1 comment:

  1. Great testimony about how God has used you in ministry to make a difference in people’s lives.
