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Sunday, January 28, 2024


I’m glad my parents took me to church! At the time, I wasn’t always delighted that we went there so much, but I benefitted in ways that I didn’t see then.

The church’s children’s ministry helped me by teaching me the many Bible stories of the Old and New Testaments. The youth group gave me a camaraderie of friends who were learning to share the values of the Christian faith. I was provided lots of older role models in those a stage or two ahead of me! Many of the adults engaged me regularly and encouraged me. I participated in rich worship times that moved me deeply inside! I was challenged by the many testimonies that were shared in the church culture that I grew up in. My parents taught me to tithe from my TV Guide route. My dad asked the treasurer for a book of envelopes so that I could use them for my two dimes. I was deeply moved while watching people respond to the altar for prayer and seeing others – who cared for them – join them there.

I can’t put a value on this experience! In my developmental years [after the nursery class], I had one female teacher [Betty Paugh – who made the Bible stories come alive for me!] and a long list of male teachers who impacted my life on Sundays and Tuesdays [at Christian Youth Crusaders]: Neil Castilucci, Joe Douglas, Paul Funkhouser, Carl Geissinger, Bob Curtiss, Jim Rudolph, Udele Gallagher, Gordon Aiken and probably a few others. They made an impact on me. I admired and respected them! I wanted to be like them!

Parents: take your kids to church! Give them the chance to experience this rich, godly fellowship! This is an environment that will impact them and provide them with lots of examples to emulate! You may not see the impact, but it will be there!

Thank You so much, Lord, for the New Brighton Free Methodist Church! It wasn’t perfect. There were tensions and problems. But it did a lot of things right and provided a rich environment for families! That fellowship nurtured me and helped to determine and direct my path! I learned to respect adults. I saw the extremely high value placed on God’s Word! I saw generosity and kindness acted out regularly. I am largely who I am today because of the impact of this fellowship of believers!

May it continue to be so today! May children and youth be valued, instructed and guided by the people they engage with and observe at church. As adults, help us to notice and interact with these in the formative stages of life! Prompt us to notice them, speak to them, encourage them, applaud them, and pray for them! We CAN make a difference! Remind us today – and every Lord’s Day – that we are making a difference in the lives of those we worship with! Thanks be to God! Amen.

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