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Tuesday, January 23, 2024


This is an excerpt from an editorial comment in the midst of Isaiah 11 in The Voice Bible:

“When God judges—when God punishes—He does so for a reason. His judgment is always measured, finite, and based on His covenant loyalty. God takes no delight in His people’s suffering; but sometimes, tragically, it is necessary. Willful ignorance and blatant disregard for God and others cannot be ignored. In the end, God’s purpose is to repair a world deeply injured by sin and its consequences. So His next move is to rescue and restore His covenant partners. Reconciliation and grace always follow destruction.

This is an attempt to understand that there are consequences when we stray from God – whether deliberately through rebellion and evil action, or subtly by distraction or laziness.  When we stray, God will use situations and circumstances to get our attention!  He wants us back BECAUSE HE LOVES US! 

Consider a similar message from the New Testament text: 

See that you don’t turn away from the One who is speaking; for if the ones who heard and refused the One who spoke on earth faced punishment, then how much more will we suffer if we turn away from the One speaking from heaven— [Hebrews 12:25 All quotes from The Voice Bible] 

Earlier in this same passage, this message is even more clear:

My child, do not ignore the instruction that comes from the Lord,
or lose heart when He steps in to correct you;
For the Lord disciplines those He loves,
and He corrects each one He takes as His own.

Endure hardship as God’s discipline and rejoice that He is treating you as His children, for what child doesn’t experience discipline from a parent? But if you are not experiencing the correction that all true children receive, then it may be that you are not His children after all. Remember, when our human parents disciplined us, we respected them. If that was true, shouldn’t we respect and live under the correction of the Father of all spirits even more? Our parents corrected us for a time as seemed good to them, but God only corrects us to our good so that we may share in His holiness. [Hebrews 12:6-10]

When we feel as though we are being punished, we should not get angry with God and shake our fist in His face.  Rather, we should submit ourselves to Him humbly and seek His face! 

If, indeed, God has brought circumstances to bear in our lives, won’t He willingly show us the way through – if we humbly seek Him and deliberately change our ways?

The author of Hebrews likens God to a loving parent who disciplines their children in hopes of helping them to learn, adjust their behavior and act responsibly.  God is the same!  He wants us to be at our best and to achieve that which He purposed for us since we were formed in our mother’s womb! 

Sometimes, we may not be sure why we’re suffering.  So, go to God and ask!



I’m in pain!  Things are not going well.  Our problems are overwhelming us!  We need Your guidance! 


Are we doing something displeasing to You?

Have we been unjust in our dealings?

Have we slipped in our devotion to You?

Have we sinned and separated ourselves from Your love and grace?


As little Samuel learned from the high priest Eli, we must pray:  "Speak, Lord, for Your servant heareth."  [I Samuel 3:6 KJV]

Learning to listen in prayer is a VERY IMPORTANT lesson!  God wants you to respond!  God will find a way to communicate with you.  He might use His Word – which is a very common way for Him to instruct us.  He may use a pastor or counselor.  He may use worship times to correct and instruct us.  Just stay focused and be sincere!  Seeking Him is the key!

If you need a prayer partner or want to talk about this season you’re passing through, feel free to contact me via a private message.  I’d be honored to walk with you and pray with you! 

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