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Thursday, July 19, 2012


I love the book of Esther in the Old Testament. 

A virgin Jewess becomes the Queen of Persia.  When an evil influencer (Haman) plans the elimination of all Jews throughout the empire, Esther is compelled to speak up for her people.

Approaching the king is dangerous - even for a queen.  After a period of fasting, she takes the risk and the king raises his scepter toward her. 

She invites the king and Haman to a private dinner that same day.  At the conclusion of the meal, the king asked what she wanted.  She invited both men back for another dinner the next day, promising to explain her actions at that time.

On the way home, Haman is annoyed by the Jew, Mordecai, who has persistently refused to bow when Haman passes.

Upon arriving home he complains to his family about Mordecai.  They suggest that he build a gallows and approach the king about hanging Mordecai.  The idea delights Haman;  he has the gallows built.

That night, (coincidentally) the king couldn't sleep.  He called for servants to read from the court records.  As they review previous actions of the empire the king is reminded how Mordecai had reported overhearing two men plot the king's death.  In effect, Mordecai had saved the king's life!

Early the next morning the king is determined to honor Mordecai.  He calls Haman in asking, "What should I do to honor a man who truly pleases me?"

Haman is certain that the king is speaking of himself, so he suggests that the man be dressed in the king's robe, ride the king's horse, and have the king's chief servant lead him through the streets proclaiming:  "This is the way the king honors those who truly please him!"

The king is delighted with the idea and commands Haman to fulfill every detail for Mordecai, the Jew.  Haman did so but was utterly humiliated.

When he is finished honoring Mordecai he is escorted to Esther's for the dinner.  She exposes his plans to have all the Jews killed and calls out to the king for favor.  The king steps out to think.  Seeing his plight, Haman fell on Esther's couch and began to plead for his life.  Just then the king stepped back in to see Haman on the couch with Esther.

Assuming that Haman was assaulting the queen, the king defended her honor.  In wondering how to punish Haman, a servant reported that Haman had (coincidentally) prepared a gallows on which to hang Mordecai, the Jew.  The king immediately responded:  "Hang Haman on it!"

When I read stories like this it reminds me that God is far more active in this world - and in my life - than I typcially realize! 

Yet, I have consistently found that God works with precision!  His timing is impeccable!  His provision is precise!  His arrangement of details is amazing!  All of this is a clear sign of His love for us! 

What coincidences have been popping up in your life lately? 

Sir William Temple wrote:  "When I pray, coincidences happen, and when I don't, they don't."

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