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Friday, July 13, 2012


The altar is a central place at camp!  May it ever be so!

Many of us can walk you to the very spot where we knelt and surrendered our life to Christ.  Such a place gains great affection. 

I remember a year that I was Camp Director and was praying with people at the altar;  suddenly, Debbie came to me and told me that Troy had made a decision for Christ.  I think he was seven or eight years old.  I dropped to my knees and locked eyes on him.  He ran into my arms and I hugged him and prayed with him!  These are unforgettable moments! 

As a pastor, I've prayed with hundreds of people over the years at that altar.  I've prayed there many times over many issues.  I'm still praying there and asking Almighty God to work through my life and in the lives of those I love! 

I remember a year many camps ago when the song evangelist taught us a new song that was sweeping the church:
We are standing on holy ground
For I know that there are angels all around
Let us praise Jesus now
For we are standing in His presence on holy ground 
Another year that same song evangelist taught us another chorus:
You won't leave here like you came - in Jesus' Name!
Blind, oppressed, tormented, sick or lame.
For the Holy Ghost of Acts is still the same.
You won't leave here like you came - in Jesus' Name!
The music of camp has always been powerful!  It takes up residence in the mind and heart and refreshes us over and over again!  Whether it was led by a song evangelist or a worship team - praise and worship have characterized Tri-State Free Methodist Camps.  It has moved us to make commitments and to deepen commitments. 

It's been a place where sinners have been welcomed into the Kingdom of God!  May it ever be so!  May the legacy of the past be carried with force and enthusiasm into the future with even mightier manifestations of God's Spirit! 

1 comment:

  1. I am just getting to read some of your postings and enjoy the memories. Some are ones I remember too, but so funny to hear them from you when it was occurring at a time that I did not know you! Weird. Standing on Holy ground is still one of my favorites and we sang this in Egypt as we stood under and beside a "burning bush" at St Catherine's cathedral at the base of the mountain where God wenT up to receive the commandments.
