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Wednesday, February 1, 2012


When I arrived at Roberts Wesleyan College, my dreams were crushed.  That very year, they decided to stop sending a male quartet to represent the school at summer camps, conferences, and churches.  I was so disappointed.

A new director in the music department wanted the school to be represented by a higher quality of singers.  However, he had not yet developed the program to be able to do so.

At the time the school had SOS (Student Outreach Service) groups that formed spontaneously and were sent out by the Development Office to do ministry throughout the year.

I had been recruited by one of these groups.  We had traveled throughout my freshman year on many weekends.  We called ourselves 'The Reflections'.  The core of the group had been a trio of women and a pianist.  They decided to add a drummer, a tenor and a bass. 

As the summer of 1970 approached, the college was left without a plan for representation at camps and conferences across the eastern area.  A reluctant decision was made to choose one of the SOS groups and send them out for the summer.

Yep!  'The Reflections' were chosen!  A folk group.  The new music department director was not very happy about the decision. 

We were a big change from the male quartets that had previously visited the camps.  Our drums were not always welcomed.  Our PA system was not always welcomed.  Having a group of men and women traveling together raised some eyebrows. 

But we loved Jesus and were determined to make an impact for Him!  Youth groups responded very favorably!  We used our creativity to win the hearts of the younger people.  We made a pact that one of us would attend every prayer meeting at these camps.  Usually several of us would do so. 

The college was inundated with letters of appreciation for our ministry!  However, we were the only folk group ever sent out to represent the school. 

Sometimes your dreams come true - but not exactly the way you hoped...

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