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Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Psalm 37:4 (LB)
Be delighted with the Lord.  Then He will give you all your heart's desires.

When I was a kid, Camp Meeting was a huge part of my life!  It was, without a doubt, the best ten days of the year!  But out of those ten days there were always one or two that stood out for me.  Those were the days that the Roberts Wesleyan College Male Quartet would visit our camp to promote the college.

These guys were so 'grown-up' to me.  I followed them around and was captivated with them!  Listening to their amazing harmonies fascinated me!  All their music was memorized.  They didn't need accompaniment.  And to top it off, girls everywhere went crazy over them!  :-)

I knew that, when I grew up, I wanted to go to Roberts Wesleyan College, and I wanted to be in the Roberts Wesleyan College Male Quartet!  It was my heart's desire!

I worked hard on my singing throughout high school.  I was sent to District Chorus three years.  I sang solos and duets in the New Brighton High School Choral Concerts.  To some extent, I became known - at least partly - for my love for singing.

Finally, in 1969, I graduated and was accepted at Roberts Wesleyan College.  That same year the college hired Professor Robert Shewan to oversee the music department.  One of his first actions was to eliminate the Male Quartet from representing the college during the summers! 

That's right!  My lifelong dream had been demolished!  When I arrived at RWC and heard this news, I was crushed! 

After my four years at RWC, Debbie and I were married and we moved to Wilmore, Kentucky so that I could attend Asbury Theological Seminary.  We became regular attenders at the Wilmore Free Methodist Church, where Clyde VanValin was our pastor.

After being there for several months, Pastor Clyde approached me about singing in a quartet.  I couldn't believe he'd opened this door for me!  I was shocked and absolutely excited!  So, two or three times, I had the privilege of singing in a male quartet with Clyde Van Valin (later a bishop of the church), Bill Brunk (Director of Development at the seminary), and Harry Miller (a Wilmore insurance man - we both grew up in the New Brighton FMC).

Psalm 37:4 (LB)
Be delighted with the Lord.  Then He will give you all your heart's desires.

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