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Thursday, April 5, 2012


My Mom was raised in the Reformed Presbyterian tradition (think CHARIOTS OF FIRE).  As a result, she had some ways of thinking about God that were perfectly clear and reasonable to her.

Here's an example of something that happened more times than I could count when I was growing up:
We would be loading up the car for a trip.  The plan was to leave at a certain time.  But, during the process of packing a phone call would come that would detain us for a little while.  There would be some frustration over the delay.
So, a few minutes later than planned, we would leave on our journey.  Somewhere down the road we would see an accident with several cars involved.  My  Mom would inevitably say:  "If we hadn't been delayed, this is right about where we'd have been!  I believe God was at work in our lives to protect us from harm!"
As poor an illustration as this is, this kind of belief was aired over and over as I grew up.  She believed strongly in the providential care of a sovereign God.  She believed this to the core! 

How's this intersect with the Appalachian Trail?

I have longed to backpack the Appalachian Trail since I was twenty years old.  Because it takes about six months to do this trip, it is difficult to make this happen.  I started over two years ago to plan a 'Sabbatical Leave' for six months.  A year ago, I started a count-down to April 8, 2012.  After preaching my Easter message, I was going to board a plane for Savannah, Georgia.  My son, Troy, was going to take me to the trailhead and then join me for the first week on the AT.

But, plans have changed.  Instead, I have resigned from the church I am serving.  Debbie and I have applied to go to China to teach English for the 2012-2013 school year.  As a result, the AT is on hold!

I wonder...

If Mom was still here, would she be saying:  "Well, Harold, God is protecting you from something!" 


  1. I am cetain that is what she would say.....and to a large extent, I agree. Sometimes our dreams have to wait until another time, and sometimes we just have dreams of maybe someday...and maybe they will never happen. So...time will tell the story. Joyce

  2. Debbie is a saint......still thinking about you Hal :)....I bet you come home with a couple of little girls! I would! Let me know what food you miss and if it's allowed to be sent.

  3. I meant to hit name....did you guess who?

    p.s. I believe like your mom. I don't think "accidents" happen with God in my life. It is all planned.
