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Thursday, April 19, 2012


When I read through I Samuel, I am amazed at the stubbornness of King Saul!

Early in his career, he jumps the gun by offering a sacrifice instead of waiting for Samuel to do so! 

When Samuel arrives, he is disgusted.  He announces that God has removed His blessing from Saul and placed it on a new candidate for king (David).

However, years will pass before David actually becomes king.  And during those years, Saul will persistently pursue David in an attempt to kill him!

Twice, God places King Saul in David's hands.  But David refuses to kill the Lord's anointed

David prospers.  Saul is miserable.

At a low point, the Philistines come against Israel.  Every attempt Saul makes to get guidance from God fails!  (Hint, hint! Saul, you're not living close to God!)

In desperation, Saul visits a witch (which witch?  the witch at Endor.)  She's afraid to help because Saul has banned her work in Israel (so much for Saul's integrity!)

She calls up Samuel and is shocked when he actually appears!  Samuel reports that Israel will be defeated and that Saul and his sons will be killed.  It's interesting that the Bible tells us that Saul had no appetite after this visit!  (Duh...)

Everything Samuel predicted - comes true the next day!

My Question
Why didn't King Saul repent? 

Why didn't he turn to God and say,
"God, I'm so sorry!  I've been a bad king.  I have not stayed close to you.  I've built memorials to myself instead of building houses of worship for You!  I've failed to trust You when things got hard.  I've gotten ahead of You over and over again.  I've been inconsistent.  Please forgive me for being so proud and independent!  Help me to do better, even if it means stepping down and supporting David as Your new king!"
Pride seems to be the answer...and stubbornness!

What prayer do I need to pray - but am stubbornly resisting?

How might everything change if I would just humble down and submit to God?

Whose lives would be impacted by my repentance and submission?

Am I guilty of pride and stubbornness?

What am I waiting for?

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