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Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Eve and Adam did the very thing God told them NOT to do!  Lost their home because of it.

Moses got angry with the Israelites and hit the rock!  Lost the Promised Land as a result.

David seems to have thought he could get away with a little sinning.  A legacy of death and incest came because of it.

The Israelites must not have believed that God would actually let the Babylonians come and destroy their city.  Big mistake! 

Jonah thought he could get away with saying "No" to God.  Wrong!

Annanias and Sapphira lied about a gift they gave the church.  It was the last thing they ever did!

With this evidence - and much more - why do we think we can get away with ignoring, disobeying, and defying God?

Do we think the changeless God has changed?

Or do we think that somehow we're an exception? 

God punishes evil and does whatever He needs to do to bring the wanderer back to His ways.

Much of the pain being experienced in our culture today is God's corrective love!  He is trying to hedge His beloved children in and bring them back to Himself.  He loves us!  He wants us to walk in His ways! 

He loves us too much to let us go on in our rebellion.

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