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Sunday, March 4, 2012


Our whole family was home last week for a family wedding.  Our granddaughter, Rylie, slept on the floor in our bedroom.  Or at least that was the plan.

Several nights she wound up in between us in our bed.  At times, she had her head at the foot of the bed;  then she had her feet in my back.  Then she'd have her hand draped over my face.  It was quite an experience.

On Friday, I watched Rylie and Coltin a good part of the day while everyone decorated the church.  For a couple of hours we went to Burger King and played in the play area.  Before lunch I asked Rylie if she wanted to say the prayer.  She quickly and reverently recited The Lord's Prayer.  [To hear this, read "Lord, Teach Us To Pray" from November 14  :-)]

Last Sunday, she sat with me during our Connection Time hour.  She kept insisting that I button all the buttons on my suitcoat.

When we came home, I was changing into casual clothes for dinner.  As I left the bedroom, I told Debbie how glad I was to be out of that monkey suit!

Rylie turned to her and said, "Poppy wasn't wearing a monkey suit!" 

Debbie explained to her that I don't like wearing suits and that I just call my suit a monkey suit because it makes me uncomfortable.  She added her final thought:  "Poppy wasn't wearing a monkey suit, it was just a suit!"
Poppy and Rylie

1 comment:

  1. Didn't want to get "rusty" so thought I would try it again! Cherish those moments....they tend to fade in time. Their remarks are so innocent and truthful in those early years. Shine Bright - Joyce
    PS What do I click on if it's OK to use my name?
