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Wednesday, October 28, 2020


God started it all in the Garden of Eden

When He opened His plan of life

It’s interesting to me that from the very beginning

The plan called for a husband and wife


So Adam and Eve stood before God that day

To be united in holy matrimony

From that day till now this has been the way

To cling to each other, and each other only


Their union was rich and full and free

Their relationship marked with love

And to top it all off, they took a walk each day

With their God who came down from above


It was truly a marriage that was made in heaven

They were close as close could be

This couple was more than one-plus-one is two

This one was one-plus-one equals three!


It’ll be that way today if you’ll only believe

God wants marriage to be more than a token

In Proverbs it says a double cord is strong

But a triple one is not easily broken


Then God gave them their job which was really a task

To watch over the birds, earth and sea

It was all made for them to deeply enjoy

With one exception which was a great tree!


God fashioned them both with tender, loving care

He provided them food, clothing and a name

Then told them to be fruitful and to multiply

When they were naked, they knew no shame


Out of this union came children galore

But only three who are essential to the story

And God’s plan of life was born to this family

And the children were raised to God’s glory


Now problems arose, but that’s nothing new

Families have always been tested and tempted

But in spite of it all, God continues to call

And this plan has never been pre-empted.


Now we’re told very little of the children of that day

Except that one asked, “Am I my brother’s keeper?”

But when Cain killed Abel while working in the field

It broke the heart of the ‘Silent Reaper’


Now blood shed to God is always special

It’s the source of life for all man.

But especially when violence entered this way

It disrupted and threatened God’s plan


But down through the ages God has kept His hand

Upon the family which He seems to have ordained

Uphill and downhill, long distance and short

Upon us all God’s gift has remained


There were many to follow

More than just a few

Their names roll through the ages

Down to me and to you


The first major interruption came after Cain

With the advent of a man name Noah

Bod was displeased and greatly disappointed

So He let the floodwaters flowa  J


And when it was all over eight people survived

Four families is a better way to speak

God started again with a clean, brand new slate

And a world that was so clean it would squeak


Over and over God worked with these people

Patience was the name of the game

Generations came and generation went

But most were as evil as Cain


Finally God stumbled on a couple who would listen

Abram and Sarah, his lovely wife

God made promises hardly anyone would believe

And they set out from Ur for a new life


As the story turns out, most of these promises were distant

And Abram and Sarah wouldn’t see them

But Isaac was born in their very late years

And survived even though his dad nearly killed him


Isaac and Rebecka were the next family on the scene

Their twin boys were a competitive pair

Jacob fought his brother before they were born

And Esau was all covered with hair


After seven years of labor, Jacob got Leah

But was deceived in the deal by Laban

So he worked seven more to get Rachel as well

And wound up with two wives and two maidens!


Twelve children in all came out of these four

And their stories take many a twist

But Joseph emerged as the ruler of all

And their home down in Egypt was fixed


It was many years later that Moses arose

From the bull-rushes to serve as a savior

With Zipporah, his wife, and a vision in his head

He led them from Egypt with God’s favor


With a God who was present in pillar and cloud

They started out on their journey for Canaan

It was to be a long trip with problem after problem

But it sure beat in Egypt remainin’


To reduce forty years, they made it to Canaan

And established a kingdom around Saul

Then came David, who was known to be after God’s heart

And Solomon, whose kingdom included all


In the midst of all this, we find Boaz

Who, in Ruth, found a wife that was good

Twas in Bethlehem that their first child was given

This is where Obed, David’s grandfather stood!


Again, years progressed and the Word of the Lord was scarce

And Hannah, wife of Elkanah, was caught in a stare

Eli, the high priest, gave her a promise of a son

Then came Samuel – a prophet quite rare


As these ages rolled by, the family survived

In spite of being abused

There was David and Bathsheeba and Solomon’s thousand wives

Now there’s a man who was REALLY confused


Before we change testaments there’s a few more we should name

Such as the family of Job and his wife

It’s amazing when you realize how faithful he was

He trusted God through the deepest of strife


And what about the prophet whose name was Hosea

Whom God asked to marry a woman of ill repute

So Hosea expressed a love for Gomer that was persistent

To show that God’s love is beyond dispute


Now that brings us to a critical point

Down to a woman and wife past family age

But with God there is nothing impossible

So a child was born to this marriage


When the promise came, Zacharias was left speechless

But Elizabeth certainly did not fear it

Her conception, late in life, was a blessing

And her child – in her womb – felt the Spirit


John the Baptist was a prophet like Elijah

His preaching was a sharp as could be

Our Lord Jesus was later to comment

“Never a greater man ever lived, than he.”


But the outstanding family story

Is the one about the young, virgin girl

Who was asked to reveal all God’s glory

Just the thought of it gives us a thrill


Mary’s conception was of the Holy Spirit

Joseph faithfully kept her from danger

When the child came at the end of their journey

Mary wrapped Him and laid Him in a manger!


That night was a miraculous occasion

We commemorate it down to this day

There were angels, shepherds and wise men

Who were all the first followers of the Way!


Now take notice as you listen to this story

God chose a family to reveal His full love

It was Jesus, Immanuel, and God’s full glory

was to shine through His life from above


And He preached and touched and He healed

As He walked on the land just like us

One would think He’s be loved and accepted

But actually, He raised quite a fuss


This One, whose life was nothing but service

Was finally hung on a tree

It was not until then that they knew it

He was part of a divine Trinity!


But His dath had no permanence about it

On the third day, He rose from His tomb

The women believed from the beginning

But the men – not till He entered the room


Even today, men are slower to respond

Oh, the church would be richer indeed

If, like women, they would trust in the Beyond

Upon His life and His Word they would feed


Other families were to enter this life stream

Many were there on Pentecost Day

When Peter’s words about visions and men’s dreams

Were fulfilled in a memorable way


Even some of our Lord’s disciples

Were married and had families to show

Peter was one of these brave ones

His mother-in-law helped him to grow


Now Paul had no wife that we know of

Although scholars have wondered and guessed

Where else could those beatings have come from?

And what about this thorn in the flesh? 


I’m joking, and certainly you know it

For the love of a husband and wife

is far more than children and possessions

It’s the way to an abundant life


I think of Priscilla and Acquilla

Pauls’ friends in the tent-making trade

Who opened their home and gave from their hearts

And oh, what a difference they made!


You see, from the very beginning

God ordained it – it’s the way it should be

Without families, the world would stop spinning

We’re essential, oh please – don’t you see?


We’re all needed!  The family is God’s plan

For life – abundant and free

Just stop and think for a moment

Without my family – now where would I be?


Every couple that unites in marriage

Participates with God in His plan

If they’d only recognize Jesus

As the Lord of every woman and man


The problems in our world would quickly fade

And struggles on our families would cease

If only a few people would take notice

That Jesus is the source of real peace


If you ask:  “Who can change our world’s pace?”

My answer will come really fast

If we put the family in its right place

It matters not what’s in our past


God will use a few families as leaven

This is the way that God meant

They will lead the whole world to Heaven

What we need is real commitment!


Biblical families have established God’s pace

Right down to now when we fear the great bomb

But the way He will save our race

Is through a Dad, a bunch of kids, and a Mom


So determine today – you’ll be part of God’s way

Don’t turn back, be determined, press on

Talk with your spouse – take time to pray

“O Lord my God, we will follow, just lead on!”


Now to close up this time of devotion

And to bring things to a right and proper end

In the name of the Father the Son and the Spirit

May we all together now say “AMEN!”

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