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Monday, November 21, 2011


Satan is a bully!  He never hesitates to take advantage of circumstances.  If a few things fail to go well, he will fan the flames and try to turn it into a full-blown depression! 

Common triggers for depression are:
  • a low inevitably follows a high
  • disappointed expectations
  • relationship complications
  • long-term high stress
  • anniversay dates
  • holidays
  • grief
  • gloomy days
  • losses
  • anger
There are others, of course!

What can I do when one of these triggers threatens to undo me? 

Please don't tell me to pray!  Isn't there something practical that I can do that will help?

Chris Tiegreen gives an excellent recommendation in his book, Violent Prayer (pp.112-113):
...if you've never tried cranking up the volume on a rowdy song of praise, I strongly encourage it, espcially if you're prone to depression and discouragement.  It's almost impossible to maintain a sense of defeat when the power and victory of God are being shouted all around you.  Some of this is psychological, but I'm convinced there's more to it than that.  You have eavesdroppers who hate the praises of the kingdom, and their harrassment tends to diminish when you make "room temperature" very uncomfortable for them by praising God.  In addition, God honors the confessions of your mouth.  If your mouth is shouting about His power and majesty, power and majesty will become more real.  If, on the other hand, your mouth keeps taking about how difficult life is, difficulty will probably become more real.  "It shall be done to you according to your faith." [Matthew 9:29]
Tiegreen illustrates from his own experience (p.112):
I remember driving in my car one afternoon, feeling completely frustrated, and the CD I was listening to had the song "Awesome God" on it.  I decided to make a stand.  I turned up the stereo so loud the vibrations probably dictated my heartbeats.  I sang - no, shouted - the words in defiance.  God was awesome, and the problem plaguing me wasn't.  By sheer volume and brashness, I assured God, Satan, and my shamefully beaten-up heart that I had faith and I wasn't going to let it go.  By the time the song was over, the cloud had lifted.
The key words in his report are "I decided..."  Are you tired of being bullied?  Ready to push back? 

Get out those ear-buds or put that CD in the player - and let's start fighting!

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