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Friday, December 9, 2011


I just finished reading chapter 3 of the Old Testament book of Nehemiah.

Jerusalem has been destroyed and the people of the land carried off to Babylon for seventy years.  Through God's intervention, they are finally allowed to return with permission to rebuild the city and the Temple.  But progress is slow and discouraging.  They are taunted by local thugs and rulers.

God calls a layman, Nehemiah, to go to Jerusalem to help with the work.  He is passionate and has leadership skill.  Nehemiah prioritizes the work and determines that the wall of the city must be rebuilt first!  He challenges the people to focus on that massive project.

The people respond to Nehemiah's leadership!  Everyone starts working on the section of wall closest to their home or business.  Brothers work together.  Goldsmiths work.  Perfumers work.  The mayor works.  The priests work.  Families take on whole sections.  Merchants work.  Men from surrounding villages come in to assist with the work.  Women work. 

The wall is completely finished in fifty-two days!  The gates are rebuilt in this time as well!  Something that had been overwhelming - was accomplished in less than two months through good leadership and massive cooperation!

Can you imagine what would happen if the church could cooperate in its mission like that today?

What if it suddenly didn't matter if you were Presbyterian or Lutheran or Catholic or Free Methodist?  What if all who claim to love Jesus began to work together to do His work?

What might be the result?  What if we went to work repairing the walls of denominationalism?  What if we began to function as though we were on the same team?  What if we pooled resources? 

Now that would be a miracle!

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