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Wednesday, September 7, 2011


I may not be the king of supplements, but I'm at least a prince.

It all started years ago when I read of the benefits of taking Vitamin C. 

After that, I added Vitamin D.  Then Vitamin E. 

Then I discovered the benefits of St. John's Wort. 

A little later I discovered how effective Metamucel is at fighting high cholesteral!  I even drank 4 oz. of red wine every day to help build up my HDL's [I measured it out in a plastic cup at bedtime, held my nose, and gulped it down!] 

Then my dentist suggested CoQ10 and Selenium.

And, of course, you must take a good multi-vitamin!

Then I read how Bilberry could fight eye disease;  since my dad had macular degeneration, I decided it would be a good idea.

Several years ago, I started taking fish oil and grinding flaxseed to add to my oatmeal cereal every morning.

Then I researched how I could combat prostate issues.  As a result, I added liquid licorice, zinc, saw palmetto, pumpkin seeds, salmon oil, and a supplement designed to shrink the prostate.

I've always been interested in the power of antioxidents!   I've taken Red Grape Extract for years.  Recently I began drinking white tea in the morning and Acai tea in the evening.  I drink three glasses of OJ every day!

By now you're laughing, aren't you?  I told you - I'm a bit fanatical when it comes to supplements!  At least now you know how I came to be the picture of health that I am today!  :-)

But the most important supplement I take every day is a double dose of God's Word!  I mix it early every morning with a half-hour of prayer!   This last supplement is the one I recommend most highly!

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